League of Legends

Drop's CV

Player League of Legends
Unranked League of Legends
Top League of Legends
Jungler League of Legends
Support League of Legends
Game mode:
5v5 League of Legends
Assassin League of Legends
Fighter League of Legends
Tank League of Legends
Server: EUW 



Hey, I'm Drop! I've been playing League casually since Season 3, taking breaks here and there, but now I'm pushing my limits to unlock my full potential. I mainly jungle right now, but I can also play Top and Support. I've consistently been a Platinum player for the past 3–4 seasons, usually playing around 100 games per season, with a peak of P1. Currently, I'm grinding a new account on EUW for a fresh start and a clean slate

Erwartungen (Ambitionen)

I'm looking for a duo to grind solo queue with and a team for 5v5 tournaments.

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