League of Legends
League of Legends

Latest Offers

Language: French
Bronze League of Legends
Gold League of Legends
Days since last UP 2
Profile: Player Player
Minimum age 30
Language: French
Silver League of Legends
Emerald League of Legends
Days since last UP 2
Profile: Player Player
Minimum age 16
Language: English
Unranked League of Legends
Challenger League of Legends
Days since last UP 4
Profile: Player Player
Minimum age 18
See all

New Players to recruit

Language: English Language: Arabic
Platinum League of Legends
Days since last UP 0
Number of hours played per week 20
Location: Egypt EG
Age 19
Language: English Language: Portuguese
DIamond League of Legends
Days since last UP 0
Number of hours played per week 19
Location: Portugal PT
Age 18
Language: English
Platinum League of Legends
Days since last UP 0
Number of hours played per week 20
Location: Romania RO
Age 33
See all

Most dynamic Organizations See all

Language: French
Language: French
Language: French Language: English

Whether you're stuck in Bronze or high up with the Challengers, there's a group of players waiting to soar to the top of the leaderboard with you on Curry. League of Legends teams and players all gather to bring their competitive potential alive at all hours of night and day. Find your best profile matches with our LoL esports finder tool right here!

LoL esports finder to match with the right players and teams

Don't spend the next hundred hours with insufferable teammates, weird shotcalls and ragequitters. Instead, take the high road with Curry.gg, the right place for all the teams LFP and players LFT on LoL. The team finder will help you browse through hundreds of profiles in no time, so you can focus on what really matters: your performances in the Rift. You can find great Supports, Mid, Top, Jungle and ADC mains in a few clicks for a round of Clash games. However, you can also get much more and assemble the best League of Legends team for your esports hunger. LoL recruitment offers are lined up every week for competitors looking for opportunities to improve their rank and performances in 5v5. 

No more compromise with random and toxic LoL players

Create your own LoL esports team or find the best one to join with your current skillset right here on Curry. You might just be limited by the people you know or the ones you meet in your ranked matches, but there is a whole world of players and coaches just like you out there. You don't have to compromise on communication or excellence, what you need is to get the right people on the same quest for esports triumph. That's exactly what Curry can help you achieve as an esports platform for League of Legends.

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