League of Legends

CV de Bin Falafil

Coach League of Legends
Analyst League of Legends
Master League of Legends
Top League of Legends
Support League of Legends
Game mode:
5v5 League of Legends
Fighter League of Legends
Support League of Legends
Initiator League of Legends
Server: EUW 


Head coach with 1 year experience in CT Italy (div 3), BTL (Italy div 2), and LIT (Italy Div 1). Had experience as a player from Div 5 to div 3 PRM and upto div 2 Greek Leauge (GAL) some years back as well and a lot of local experience in Qatar.

Expectativas (ambiciones)

Win an ERL div 2 or 1 league, depending where I land next.

Experiencia on line y off line

Rango Nombre del evento
6th LIT Winter 2025
9th BTL Summer 2024
13-16, playoffs winner. Circuito Tormenta Open Italy
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