League of Legends

CV de FrisBeats

Player League of Legends
Gold League of Legends
Mid League of Legends
Top League of Legends
Jungler League of Legends
Game mode:
5v5 League of Legends
Assassin League of Legends
Fighter League of Legends
Mage League of Legends
Tank League of Legends
Bruiser League of Legends
Pusher League of Legends
Initiator League of Legends
Server: EUW 


I play League since S1, never very competitive, only played ranked until gold for rewards. Can play every role but prefer to stay out of botlane. I'm fluent in English, Dutch and French.

Expectativas (ambiciones)

I look for a team to play ranked flex to reach a decent rank, approx 2-3 nights a week, available from 19:00. 

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