League of Legends

CV de BrannMolvik

Player League of Legends
Master League of Legends
Top League of Legends
Game mode:
5v5 League of Legends
Fighter League of Legends
Support League of Legends
Tank League of Legends
Bruiser League of Legends
Pusher League of Legends
Initiator League of Legends
Protector League of Legends
Server: EUW 



Master/GM Toplaner with some experience in competitive LoL with a few seasons in the Norwegian top league and playing in NLC and the Aurora Cup.

Also former top tier player from Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch

Expectativas (ambições)

I want to play with teams that are focused on a common goal to win and improve who can help eachother do better.

I also will will hit Challenger at some point no matter how long it takes. I had the same goals in Ow, TF2, CSGO before, and I have not failed to hit the top rank within the game I am focusing on yet, and I have fully migrated to LoL.

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