Marvel Rivals

CV de MixtapeMessiah

Player Marvel Rivals
Gold Marvel Rivals
Vanguard Marvel Rivals
Duelist Marvel Rivals
Strategist Marvel Rivals


I'm a gold player who mains Star Lord but I'm flexible with my play style. I've reached captain with Venom, The Things, Mantis, and Rockit and lord with Star Lord, of that wasn't obvious. I'm looking for people to coordinate with and see how far we can go but I'm not opposed to goofing off in QP or suffering through a special game mode together to grind the rewards. 

Expectativas (ambições)

I'm a firm believer in productive communication. If I'm not doing well, I will recognize it and I'll see what I can do to make adjustments. I won't tell you you're bad but I might ask to consider a different approach.  I ask for the same consideration in return. Let's link up and see where things go. 

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