I'm Acarie, I have 22 year old and i'm Emerald in Jungle.
I started the game in Saison 6 et since then i havent' stopped trying to grind and improve. I have little competitive experience other than some Clash between 2020 and 2024. However, during 2023/2024 I try to join some team but lack of time because of my work schedule it's never came to fruition.
I have a good champion pool like Tank ( Amumu, Sejuani, Maokai,basics on Nunu), Assassin ( Kayn Blue, Evelynn, Qiyana, Kah'Zix, Talon, Kindred, basics on Fiddle et Elise), and Bruiser (Viego, Bel'Veth, Diana, Shyvana, Briar, Kayn Darkin, Vi, Lillia, basics on Lee Sin et Gwen)
For more question add me on discord
I wish to become pro player on League, so I'm looking for a team with whom tryhard and progressed. I'm a motivated, caring, frank, ambitious, persevering and hardworking person.
I'm someone who don't hesitate to question myself when is necessary and i'm not afraid to invest myself and work to improve myself (train champs,...)